07 August 2008

Pre-Service Training thus far

Bo tardi,

Iºm in Assomada, one of CVºs larger cities right now. We live in villages around the city with host families and train here every so often. PST is really busy so I havenºt had much time to blog. We train for 4-8 hours a day in language mostly but other things as well (health, safety, technical, etc).

I live in a farming village which grows mostly corn and beans. My family (and many others) raise pigs, chickens, goats, and cows. Itºs definitely hard getting adjusted to an entirely new language. Kriolu comes from Portuguese and various African languages from Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and other West African places. The people are nice and thereºs more of a community feel than in the US. People tend to be friendlier and watch out for one another. It seems like weºve been here forever (not in a bad way) but itºs only been three or four weeks. Itºs amazing how quickly the language is coming.

Uh anyway I need to get better at this blogging thing. If you (if anyone reads this!) have any questions just write a comment and Iºll try to respond next time I do this.



1 comment:

pablo said...

We're reading, so please keep writing. I tried to speak a little Portugese when I was in Brazil. My accent was so bad that most people assumed I was speaking Spanish and a few seemed insultewd that I must have assumed they spoke Spanish like most other countries in SA.
